What's More Important Than Saving Lives?

The Actions For Survival team is committed to doing just that and providing as much help as possible to ensure more lives are saved in   New Zealand in 2022.

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The Monday Mission now has a second challenge. Part one you will recall is about checking the useability of first aid kits. The second is all about Automatic External Defibrillators (AED). We are now seeing them becoming more commonplace (in Malls, McDonald’s, sports clubs and some petrol stations to name a few) as people at long last realise the difference they make in saving lives.

Unfortunately, many forward-thinking establishments have purchased the machines, which is incredible. However, the majority are only available during working hours. Some establishments for security reasons lock the machines away, making them inaccessible when needed. Trying to find the machine, find a key to gain access or worse still the battery has not been checked in years despite it announcing the battery was nearing the end of its life nobody heard the shout. Meanwhile, in Acquisitions, poor old Jeff has collapsed, the only thing between his demise and seeing his family again is the machine purchased a couple of years ago.

That fantastic initiative has turned into a potential disaster. Please, please if you have an AED get to know it, love it and look after it cos one day it may well pay you back and save a life.

If you have not got an AED, the Monday Mission still applies. It is easy to check out where the nearest one is located (both at home and work) by downloading a FREE app named AED Locations. It provides information about where registered defibrillators can be found in New Zealand. If you have a machine and it is not registered, add your machine to the growing list and above all do not ignore it BE PROUD of your AED and what it can do. 

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