What's More Important Than Saving Lives?

The Actions For Survival team is committed to doing just that and providing as much help as possible to ensure more lives are saved in   New Zealand in 2022.

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…..emergency is happening, make the call. The call handler will ascertain the level of need and offer guidance concerning the action that is needed.


Today is the last post for a while about calling for help in an emergency. We often hear about unnecessary calls made to the emergency services. By contrast, people delay making a call because they feel unsure whether the condition of the person they are with warrants an ambulance. In some cases, these decisions can result in unfortunate outcomes. It is a delicate balance in some cases. Our advice, if you feel help is needed, do not hesitate to make the call.

A medical emergency includes chest pain or tightness, difficulty breathing or the person has stopped breathing. It also includes choking, severe bleeding that will not stop, sudden weakness or difficulty talking, fainting or unconsciousness.

Getting Advice

There are other alternatives to calling 111 when it is NOT a medical emergency. In the first instance, if you or someone you are with is unwell, advice, information and support is available through your doctor by contacting the surgery 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Healthline is a FREE service and provides health advice and information. The number to call is 0800-611-116 if:

  • you don’t have a family doctor
  • you are feeling unwell, but not sure if you need to see a doctor
  • for advice about what is happening for you and the next steps
  • you want some advice about a family member or a friend who is sick (if you are with them)

You can feel confident about calling the Healthline Team.

  • these guys are specialists in assessing and advising over the phone
  • it is possible to arrange to talk with you in your language – when your call is answered, say you’d like an interpreter and the language you would like to speak in
  • also, they can engage with the NZ Relay Services and support you if you are deaf, hearing impaired, deafblind or speech impaired
  • phone calls are free – including from a mobile phone
  • you can call anytime 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Healthline is staffed by an experienced team that includes registered nurses, paramedics and health advisors, who can provide you with health information and advice on care.

This information is sourced from the Healthline page. Click the Healthline link to learn more.

Click here to learn more and find out how you can learn first aid for FREE

Currently, there are temporary changes to the steps to be followed in resuscitation. These can be found in the video below or by clicking here to see the New Zealand Resuscitation Council temporary guideline recommendation. 

Click the link to go to the New Zealand Resuscitation Council Covid-19 recommended modifications for delivering resuscitation whilst the pandemic remains a threat. Click play to see a short video outlining CPR modifications that should be followed during the pandemic.

Click here to find out how you can learn first aid for FREE

To learn more from the experts about previously covered conditions click their logo below.


Data and information are fact-checked against various recognised sources, including the New Zealand Resuscitation Council, Health Navigator New Zealand, St John, and other recognised entities specialising in the specific subject content. It should be noted that variances in protocols exist and where necessary are identified.

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