Your FREE Emergency Call Plan is here
Wow, are we really two weeks into the New Year. Fourteen Tips already says that is the case. So today we thought we would throw in a FREEBIE. Today’s tip talks about the benefits of having an Emergency Call Plan in place. There are numerous cases where children, for example, have been trained to call for help and use a prompting plan that has led to the saving of parents lives. It is a simple system that allows a caller to be clear and concise with the information they are providing.
We have created a Tip of the Day Emergency Call Plan for you to download at no charge. Click on the link, and you will be taken to a personal Emergency Call Plan which can be printed (as many times as you wish) then fill in the details and place it near telephones either at home or at work.
Please feel free to share the Emergency Call plan with family and friends.
We have included RAPID numbers on the plan, so thought we would share a brief piece on the numbers that we have collected from different local authorities.
RAPID is an acronym and stands for Rural Address Property Identification. Local councils are responsible for maintaining a RAPID number database. Each number is assigned to the physical location of a rural property. RAPID provides an accurate means of describing a location in remote areas as it combines numbers and letters to create a position based on distance from specific landmarks.
We think keeping your RAPID number close to the phone for easy access in the event of an emergency is a really cool idea.