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…. attack, for example, is vulnerable to developing VF. So the priority is to stop VF, and this is where we can all play our part. Starting CPR will keep oxygenated blood moving around the body. The use of a defibrillator can correct the wrong message the heart muscles are receiving (to quiver) and start it pumping again. A defibrillator is the only treatment for VF. CPR buys time by keeping the body oxygenated blood flowing the defibrillator corrects the electrical problem.
The difference between a normal heartbeat and ventricular fibrillation shows repeated regularity with a normal rhythm and the uncoordinated quiver of VF.
The American Heart Association have developed a great animation showing the differences outlined above click on the image below to view.
Ventricular Fibrillation can be corrected, tomorrow we go through the steps that really do save lives.
For great health information, check out Health Navigator New Zealand, where you will find expert opinions online.
Still available is a selection of our FREE resourses click on the image to go to the download site.
Click the link to go to the New Zealand Resuscitation Council Covid-19 recommended modifications for delivering resuscitation whilst the pandemic remains a threat. Click play to see a short video outlining CPR modifications that should be followed during the pandemic.
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Data and information are fact-checked against various recognised sources, including the New Zealand Resuscitation Council, Health Navigator New Zealand, St John, and other recognised entities specialising in the specific subject content. It should be noted that variances in protocols exist and where necessary are identified.