…..helps save lives. Everybody in the community should be CPR aware. The availability of a defibrillator significantly increases the chances of survival.
Community CPR saves lives, early access to a defibrillator improves survival rates. Why are their so few publicly accessible defibrillators in New Zealand? Why is CPR not taught in schools as part of the national curriculum? New Zealand’s survival rate from sudden cardiac arrest could be so much better.
Tune in tomorrow when we will continue to look at CPR…..
For great health information check out Health Navigator New Zealand where you will find expert opinion online.
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Currently, there are temporary changes to the steps to be followed in resuscitation. These can be found in the video below or by clicking here to see the New Zealand Resuscitation Council temporary guideline recommendation.
Click the link to go to the New Zealand Resuscitation Council Covid-19 recommended modifications for delivering resuscitation whilst the pandemic remains a threat. Click play to see a short video outlining CPR modifications that should be followed during the pandemic.
Click here to find out how you can learn first aid for FREE
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Data and information are fact-checked against various recognised sources, including the New Zealand Resuscitation Council, Health Navigator New Zealand, St John, and other recognised entities specialising in the specific subject content. It should be noted that variances in protocols exist and where necessary are identified.