What's More Important Than Saving Lives?

The Actions For Survival team is committed to doing just that and providing as much help as possible to ensure more lives are saved in   New Zealand in 2022.

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The arrival of the emergency services at a life-threatening emergency will be a relief. It may be they ask you to continue to help until they are ready to take over. The crew will also be asking questions and finding out what those at the scene know about the person they are attending to, the history of events leading up to the present moment and any further details about the person’s medical history.

Learn more about the Chain of Survival in tomorrows Tip of the Day.

Click on the image to learn more about finding out where your nearest defibrillator is located. Get the FREE app today.

We continue to offer two free tools to help in a medical emergency simply click the images below and you will be taken to a digital version of the tool this can be saved or downloaded for printing. Feel free to print as many as you need and share with family and friends.

Check out the current guidelines below for changes in delivering CPR during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click the link to go to the New Zealand Resuscitation Council Covid-19 recommended modifications for delivering resuscitation whilst the pandemic remains a threat.

Click play to see a short video outlining CPR modifications that should be followed during the pandemic.

Click here to find out how you can learn first aid for FREE

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