…..action should apply to anybody that displays one or all of the F.A.S.T. signs. It is likely the man will be scared and unable to communicate effectively. Provide reassurance that help is on the way and encourage him to relax. Make the man as comfortable as possible. Avoid giving him anything to eat or drink, if he is thirsty moisten his lips. Be aware the man may become unconscious at any time. Should this occur, place him on his side and ensure a clear airway is maintained.
FACE is their face drooping on one side? Can the person smile?
ARM is one arm weak? Can the person raise both arms?
SPEECH is their speech jumbled or slurred? Can the person speak at all?
TAKE ACTION Call 111 straight away, DO NOT DELAY.
Stroke Association NZ recommend “If any of the signs of stroke are recognised, don’t wait, call 111 straight away. Don’t call your doctor, or drive yourself – get help immediately. Ambulance staff want to hear from you if you recognise the F.A.S.T. signs – call 111 and tell them it’s a stroke.
Below is a short video highlighting what you need to know.
For more information, help and advice, check out the support the Stroke Association NZ click the image below:
Tomorrow we will look at a TIA…..
For great health information check out Health Navigator New Zealand where you will find expert opinion online.
Click here to learn more and find out how you can learn first aid for FREE
Currently, there are temporary changes to the steps to be followed in resuscitation. These can be found in the video below or by clicking here to see the New Zealand Resuscitation Council temporary guideline recommendation.
Click the link to go to the New Zealand Resuscitation Council Covid-19 recommended modifications for delivering resuscitation whilst the pandemic remains a threat. Click play to see a short video outlining CPR modifications that should be followed during the pandemic.
Click here to find out how you can learn first aid for FREE
To learn more from the experts about previously covered conditions click their logo below.
Data and information are fact-checked against various recognised sources, including the New Zealand Resuscitation Council, Health Navigator New Zealand, St John, and other recognised entities specialising in the specific subject content. It should be noted that variances in protocols exist and where necessary are identified.