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Causes of shock
(1) A reduction in the amount of blood circulating around the body.
It can be caused by a person experiencing severe bleeding, either internally or externally. Serious trauma that includes major or multiple fractures is another common reason for life-threatening shock. Other occurrences resulting in shock include extreme or prolonged vomiting, diarrhoea, extreme sweating and dehydration. Burns and scalds can also lead to shock.
Tomorrow we will consider a second cause of shock.
Still available is our FREE Choking poster click on the image to go to the download site.
Check out the current guidelines below for changes in delivering CPR during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click the link to go to the New Zealand Resuscitation Council Covid-19 recommended modifications for delivering resuscitation whilst the pandemic remains a threat.
Click play to see a short video outlining CPR modifications that should be followed during the pandemic.